
homer_running Every winter, as the cyclocross season ends, I come away with a few mental notes of what to do NEXT year.

One of those to-dos has been to start running before the cyclocross season gets going.  For some reason, I've always planned on starting on the 4th of July.  It's an easy date to remember, and it's about 3 months before cyclocross starts.  Every year, I've planned on doing this, and every year I've completely blown it off.  I believe the main reason for this is I hate running.

Well, for 2008, I actually did run on the 4th of July.  Just a quick jog, about 15-20 minutes.  It was not awesome.  At least I ran in the woods, where nobody would see me.  And I had my dog, who doesn't laugh at the way I move.

Since I kept records, I can say with confidence my 2008 inaugural run feels exactly the same as last year.  When will I run again?  Probably August.  Yeah, August looks good.

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Once you start you need to keep it up, otherwise it's going to hurt every time you start again!
# Posted By Steven | 7/4/08 6:11 PM
I only run if being chased, Two days to my 90 day training program time for another Mt Dew!
# Posted By Neutralwrench | 7/4/08 8:13 PM
Keep going! Steven is right. It gets easier. If I can mountain bike then for godsakes you can certainly run.
# Posted By Heidi Swift | 7/5/08 9:19 AM
I disagree with everyone. Don't run! It will make you faster.
# Posted By stevef | 7/5/08 2:40 PM