Riding in the rain

deiterWell, it is springtime, and I'm as happy as a little girllll...NOT. 

Our weather as of late has been a little on the harsh side.   Cold weather, and cold rain.  I'm not going to complain too much, though.  It's all part of the experience of living in Oregon as we transition to warmer weather.

Though I'm not complaining, I sure haven't had the motivation lately to actually go out and ride in this stuff.  Ah, but this evening, I found something to snap me out of my funk.  Something that made me slap myself in the face and say stop being such a pansey!  PIR!

Yup, PIR was tonight.  It was wet and cold, but so what.  I didn't do anything exciting, unless you count missing the start and chasing the pack for a lap exciting.  What I did do was get in a nice little ride in the rain. 

And guess who won?  The Ginz.  Ginzberger Meisterberger.  Mark Ginsberg.  Nice ride, Mark!

I rode the ol' green bomber Redline Conquest out there.  So while all you guys are cleaning your nice race bikes, I'll be eating bons bons by the fireplace.  Suckers.

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Watch it, Redline.
# Posted By Richard | 4/23/08 7:53 AM