Family Catch-up

A lot of my recent posts have been all about bike stuff.  And guess what?  It's fall, so there's going to be a bunch more.  Sorry non-bikers! The next couple months will be pretty fun for bike racing, but I'll try to keep the posts a little more even.

For now, let's have some catch up time, shall we?  First off, I've added a few September photos in the photo gallery (right margin).  So take a look if you'd like.

September brought the first day of school.  Both girls were elated to be going!  Annelis is now in third grade, and Mette has just started kindergarten.  Here's a couple photos from their first day of school:

first-day-of-school-021 metteFirstDay


September has also brought Soccer season, and both girls are playing this year!   Annelis is in an all girls U9 team, sporting a purple jersey and wearing number 9.  Her team name is the Tsunami:

09-18-07_1713 AnnelisNumber9


Mette is playing the less structured, but ever so entertaining kick and chase.  She's sporting a gray shirt and usually wears pig tails.  Her team name is "the Gray Dolphins,"  though Mette's vote was "the Gray Deers."

mettePigTails metteSoccer


This past weekend, the girls played violin at their teachers dog show.  Though Mette is just starting, she was able to play one small song.  Annelis did great, and really wanted to play.  She even chose to skip her morning soccer game for this.

annelisViolin metteViolin


We're all doing pretty well.  The house is holding up, but the pool is still in the same condition it was when we bought the place - ick.  We think we'll begin restoration next summer.  The vegetation around the house is, well, thick.  We keep the immediate perimeter under control, but there's a lot more to do out there.  The deer seem to like it.  They come around every now and then to munch on some leaves, which means less work for me!  The other day, I walked into the living room and saw this little guy in the window:



And so, friends and family, things are busy (as always), but good.  I hope everyone's doing well, and have a great Fall!

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I can't believe how big the kids are getting. Crazy!
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