More Helmet Cam

Ugh, more helmet cam from the wet and foggy lawyer ride today.

Not that great, but watch if you want. I was really bobbing my head up and down today. Also, the camera is offset a little to the right. Sorry about that, I'll get it right soon.

1) Greenleaf:
Tim comes around and then eases off the throttle near the top.

2) Down to the zoo: We go down Skyline, cross Burnside, up Skyline, and then down to the zoo. I took off on the way up Skyline, so I was all alone. The video is therefore fairly boring. See if you can spot the van that almost pulled out, or the car going the wrong way by the rose garden.

Part 1:

Part 2:

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Amazing video to watch and learn. Keep me posted. I want someone to <a href="">write an essay for me</a> and would be glad if you share more of these awesome clips.
# Posted By john | 10/10/17 6:06 AM